Thanks to everyone who attended my talk at WordCamp Asia: “How to catch a WordPress Enterprise client.” The talk itself was intentionally high-level to give you an overview of the sales funnel. In this post, I’m sharing some articles and further resources that will give you more depth on the sales process.
The AIDA funnel
A “funnel” is a great representation of the activity around catching and closing an enterprise client, because it follows a journey from creating awareness to closing the deal. A common way of framing this is called AIDA:
– Awareness – What is it? – creating awareness of your product or service
– Interest – I like it – generating interest
– Desire – I want it – at this stage your prospect is motivated to buy
– Action – I’m getting it – the closing stage
You can read in detail about the AIDA model here.
Landing an enterprise WordPress client: Further reading & resources
In my talk, I referenced a lot of sales concepts which are useful when you are putting together your own sales process. You can find them all listed below. Many of them are from Hubspot, which has fantastic sales-related content.

Ideal Client Profile
Discovery calls
- The Anatomy of a Flawless Sales Call
- 28 Questions to Ask on a Discovery Call During the Sales Process
Pricing models
General resources
I hope you found the talk and these resources helpful, and that it’s not long until you win your first enterprise WordPress client!