
WordPress in Education

Universities, colleges, publishers covering higher education, and others in the education space are often passionate advocates of WordPress. Education and WordPress are a perfect match. Find out why.

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Why higher education loves WordPress

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Read on to find out why so many of the world's largest higher education institutions choose WordPress.

Loved by the biggest names

Schools, universities, and education-focused organisations of all sizes use WordPress. At the top end of the industry, universities such as Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, and St Andrews all rely on WordPress to deliver vital aspects of their huge online presences. These sites are large, highly trafficked, see content updated regularly, and are managed by large and varied teams: a perfect WordPress use case. Let’s take a deeper dive.

Why do so many higher education sites use WordPress?

1. Editorial efficiency

University websites tend to be big. That means there’s lots of content to manage and update. They’re also commonly websites that publish new content at a rapid rate. This means the editorial processes underpinning the site can’t be left to chance. WordPress offers a best in-class editorial experience, and requires minimal training time, so content teams are efficient and effective.

2. Multi-site

Higher education establishments often need complicated architecture, with different departments and teams managing their own spaces under a wider site, which pulls core assets and functionality from a central location. Some CMS solutions struggle here, but it’s a perfect use case for WordPress’ multisite functionality.

Multisite allows users to share themes, plugins and settings across a series of interlinked sites, or to apply them on a case-by-case basis. Administrators can control the entire network, while individual teams are free to update and run their sites as they need, meaning the chemistry department, the PR team, and the librarians all have the platform they need to get their job done. 

3. Capable and reliable

Like other enterprise-grade sites, university websites see large volumes of traffic, as well as intense spikes at certain times of the year. It’s essential that the platform chosen to build and host your site is capable of meeting the demands of users and visitors alike. WordPress is trusted by enterprise organisations around the world, from sectors as diverse as publishing, banking and education, and is used to facilitate some of the most highly trafficked sites in the world.

4. Cost of ownership

WordPress is significantly cheaper to run and own than proprietary enterprise-grade CMS platforms. It also has a huge community of experts, agencies, and hosts available to help craft sites that are perfect for a university’s unique requirements. With no vendor lock, it’s also possible to move your site over to a new partner if the time is right.

WordPress in Higher Education: The Definitive Guide

Learn how to unlock the full potential of your university’s digital presence. This comprehensive white paper delves into the transformative power of WordPress in the academic sector.

Enterprise case studies

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